Monday, January 4, 2016

"Carrie Moon opens about her relationship with Tyler Hale" - Ray Powers Interview ✨

Carrie Moon ✨ Interview w/ Ray Powers #2

RP: Hi Carrie!
It's been a really long time since our last interview!
It is a very amazing coincidence that we are both in Paris.
Thank you so much for accepting to meet up!

CM: Hi Ray!You know I would never decline an interview with you.

RP: As you already know this is a very personal interview so thanks again for accepting to open up about everything.

CM: I'm so f**king nervous!Let's just get started!

RP: Let's start from the break up,Nobody knows why You and Tyler broke up.
None of you answered to this question yet!

CM:Yeah!Umm,it's not that big of a deal!Nobody cheated or something,it just didn't work out!
I mean he left for some long periods to shoot the movies he starred in very often and I was scared that he would cheat on me!
Its not like I didn't trust him but you know,everyone has needs!

RP:Are you guys friends now?

CM: You know Ray it's not easy to be friends after you've been in love for 2 years and than broke up!
We don't hate each other,at least I 100% don't hate him,I don't know if he hates me,I hope he doesn't!
I mean I've done nothing!
But we aren't friends neither!
We're just fine!

RP: Got you!Umm,you're dating a girl now.Is it right?

CM: That's right!
First of all I I don't want you to think that after Tyler and I broke up I got disappointed in men,because this is nothing like that!
So basically 1 or 2 months after the break up I met this girl who I'm dating now,and I just looked at her and fell in love, it was very obvious that she's lesbian,so I asked her if she wants to drink a coffee and talk together,and she said "yes".
We started dating after a week.
It was a very strange situation for me because I've never been with a girl before!
I always thought that I want to have a lesbian experience but this is much more that just an experience!
Believe it or not but I feel the same feeling I felt for Tyler but like "HARDER".
It's crazy to realize that you like a girl!
Btw I'm not 100% lesbian,there's a huge chance I'll date a guy again so basically I'm "bisexual".

RP:That's awesome,is there anything else you want to say?

CM: Umm,Yeah actually!
I want to say "thank you" to Tyler because I lived the best 2 years of my life with him!
Thanks to the Intire support that he gave me!
I just don't want everyone to think he's a bad person,he's an amazing person,but it just didn't work out between us and I really wish everything went in another way!
But it didn't,(*laughs sadly*) so I really hope that one day he and I will leave everything behind and be very good friends.
I loved him so much and I always will,but it is just not as much as I love Clair!

RP:Ohh,I'm almost crying!
Thank you so much for spending your time for the interview and I really hope everything is going to work out!
Good luck and give me a hug!

CM: (*hugs Ray*),Thanks so much to having me!
Finally everyone will know everything and there will be no questions anymore!
Thank you so much!

RP: Thank you!